Propane is a versatile fuel used across many industries include agricultural and horticultural businesses: family farms, commercial farms, commercial horticultural greenhouses for food production and gardening plants, wineries, and more...
Agricultural businesses benefit from the lower cost of propane energy, higher efficiencies, and having a fuel that can be used for a wide range of applications across the entire farming operation.
For example, propane can be used for:
1. Building heat - homes, processing buildings, barns, livestock buildings, storage buildings, greenhouses. Propane heats building efficiently and provides a consistent heat source needed for healthier plants and animals.
2. Irrigation equipment - propane powered irrigation engines can save up to 50% over diesel
3. Grain dryers - propane crop dryers are up to 50% more efficient than older models and they run cleaner and last longer.
4. Standby generators
5. Farm vehicles
As a low emission, green energy source, propane is the preferred fuel for agricultural operations that are environmentally focused and interested in climate change and reducing emissions.
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