Are you building a rural property and are at the stage of considering your heating fuel source? For many homeowners the choice is clear - and it's economical, eco-friendly propane!
We've written about the many environmental benefits of choosing propane, and talked about how versatile the energy is - as it can be used in so many different functions, furnace heating, clothes driers, ranges, cooktops, BBQs, water tanks, etc.
When you've decided propane is right for your home / cottage, or commercial business such as farm, greenhouse or restaurant then the next step is to learn more about installation.
Your Budget Propane sales representative will be pleased to go over this with you, and help you choose from upright or torpedo tanks and discuss options for tank location. In addition, we've put together a list of frequently asked questions that you can review.
Frequently Asked Questions About Propane Installations
1 - What types of tanks are available?
There are two styles of tanks available: an upright vertical white tank and a larger green horizontal torpedo shaped tank.
2 - Why choose one style over the other?
Torpedo tanks have a higher capacity and are used when propane is going to be the main source of household or business heat (500 or 1,000 gallon). The benefit of a torpedo style tank is its large capacity which enables for safe, efficient and reliable delivery throughout the harsh winter months.
If propane is only going to be used for a few appliances and used intermittently then some customers opt for the smaller vertical tanks (120 gallon). One benefit of a 120 gallon is that it can be placed right up to a building or near a property line.
3 - Can I paint my white propane tank?
Most vertical tanks are white, however, you are welcome to use a light coloured, rust-proof paint on your tank to help it blend in with your home and landscaping.
4 - What's the size difference between propane tanks?
Torpedo tanks are approximately 3'10" High, 9'10" Long and have a Diameter of 38". Vertical Tanks are approximately 52.5" High and have a 30" Diameter.
5 - What if I need more capacity than one vertical tank but don't have room for a torpedo tank?
If you require additional volume, but are unable to install a small 500 Gallon Torpedo Tank, you can connect up to four Vertical Tanks together.
6 - Where are propane tanks placed on my property?
Vertical tanks are located adjacent to a building. Torpedo tanks must be placed at least 10' from buildings and property lines
7 - What does the propane tank sit on?
All propane tanks require a firm level base such as gravel or a concrete pad.
8 - How is the propane level determined and how do I know when to re-order?Budget Propane is pleased to offer customers the convenience of automatic propane delivery and monitoring. Our Propane Tank Monitor will alert us when your propane levels are low so that we can come and re-fill your tanks, ensuring you always have propane when you need it. It will also keep you informed about the current level of your propane tank with weekly notifications sent by email.
We hope this blog answered some of your questions about propane installation. If you have any other questions please get in touch with us. We'd be pleased to help.
Budget Propane is a local family owned propane supplier serving homeowners and businesses in central Ontario.