If you live, or own a holiday cottage, in a remote location of Ontario, it’s incredibly unlikely that your property is located on the grid. That’s why, as we covered in our blog titled ‘Living off the grid: What are your energy options?’, it’s essential that you know which available energy choices are open to you.
In most cases, your home or cottage will be able to make use of solar energy, wind power or hydro power. However, one of the most accessible, efficient and cost-effective methods to power your remote property is propane.
Before we get into some reasons why propane is the perfect energy choice for your wilderness hide-away home or cottage, Budget Propane Ontario first takes a look at what propane actually is.
What is propane?
Propane gas, which is a byproduct from the process of refining crude oil and natural gas, can be used in both residential and commercial properties as an alternative to electricity. It is particularly useful as a cost-effective way to power homes that are located off-grid.
Since your property is remote and possibly even located off the grid, it’s likely that you love Ontario’s natural wonders. Thankfully, propane is a low-carbon and clean-burning alternative energy which is completely safe for the environment.
Not only will the use of propane help save you money each month, you’ll also be minimizing your carbon footprint and impact on the world.
Why is propane a great choice for remote locations?
Propane is a fantastic choice for homes and commercial businesses across Canada, but it’s also a perfect option for remote homes and cottages. Here are just a few of the key reasons why:
Propane is abundantly available in Canada
If you are located off grid, then the cost of extending a power line to your property will be incredibly high. Thankfully, propane is abundantly available across Canada from a range of supply sources. That means propane is just as cost-effective for remote houses in Muskoka as it is for homes located in the GTA.
Propane is easily portable
No matter how remote your home or cottage is, propane is extremely safe and easy to transport. Since propane is stored securely in cylinders, it can easily be transported long distances to remote locations.
If your property will be using propane in the winter, please keep in mind the impact that storms could have on your delivery. With Budget Propane Ontario’s Tank Monitor, we will automatically deliver your property more propane to ensure you never fall below 30%.
Propane is not toxic to the environment
Your home or cottage is based in a remote location, and that probably means you care deeply about the environment in which you’re based. As an approved clean alternative fuel from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), propane is non-toxic and as a result is not harmful to the soil, water or environment around your premises.
Propane has a wide-variety of uses
Propane has a wide range of uses and can power a number of appliances at your remote home or cottage. This could include furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces, ovens, space heaters, fridges, dyers and many other appliances in your home, as well as vehicle fuel for your car, snowblower or lawnmower, or as a back-up generator in the case of an emergency, as well as a wide range of further benefits.
Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of propane, or simply want a quote? Get in touch with the Budget Propane Ontario team of experts today. We would love to answer any questions you have.