Propane is a versatile fuel used across many industries include agricultural and horticultural businesses: family farms, commercial farms, commercial horticultural greenhouses for food production and gardening plants, wineries, and more...
Agricultural businesses benefit from the lower cost of propane energy, higher efficiencies, and having a fuel that can be used for a wide range of applications across the entire farming operation.
For example, propane can be used for:
1. Building heat - homes, processing buildings, barns, livestock buildings, storage buildings, greenhouses. Propane heats building efficiently and provides a consistent heat source needed for healthier plants and animals.
2. Irrigation equipment - propane powered irrigation engines can save up to 50% over diesel
3. Grain dryers - propane crop dryers are up to 50% more efficient than older models and they run cleaner and last longer.
4. Standby generators
5. Farm vehicles
As a low emission, green energy source, propane is the preferred fuel for agricultural operations that are environmentally focused and interested in climate change and reducing emissions.
Here's some quick facts from
Propane fuelled irrigation engines can reduce fuel costs per hour by 45 percent compared with diesel.
Propane grain dryers can require 50 percent less thermal energy compared with older models
Habitat protection - using propane produces 43 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than using an equivalent amount of electrical energy
As an abundant energy source that isn't affected by interruptions to the electric grid, propane always delivers no matte what the season
The average farm business will experience 3.5 power interruptions in a 2 year period, Short power interruptions have been costed at $14,000 for a medium sized business
More than 800,000 US farms use propane for agricultural and heating operations.
Swift Greenhouses relies on propane energy to heat their commercial buildings. Here's a Propane Council video about propane in the horticultural industry, an interview with Swift Greenhouses.
Straight Talk: Swift Greenhouses from Propane Council on Vimeo.
Budget propane provides bulk propane delivery across central Ontario to homes and cottages. We also provide propane to regional commercial businesses, large and small farms and horticultural establishments. Click here to get a quote and find out how to become a customer.