Cabins, cottages, workshops, rural homes - have one thing in common, they all benefit from the ambiance and warmth of a fireplace or stove. When you see the classic shape of a free standing stove you probably think of wood stoves, but there are many options for a similar style of stove utilizing propane energy.
So, if you are considering adding a free-standing stove to your recreational property or upgrading from a wood stove for your workshop / garage, or country home then here are 4 good reasons to consider getting a propane stove.- Convenience: When you utilize propane energy you have heat instantly at your fingertips. Propane stoves offer the convenience of operation from electronic remote or wall on/off switches or thermostatically controlled switches. Propane is also a consistent and abundant energy source that can be delivered to your property automatically when your tank level indicates it’s time for a refill. Convenience and consistent heat is a good reason to switch from a wood stove to propane.
- Low Maintenance: Wood stoves require frequent maintenance to remove and dispose of ash, and to maintain a ready supply of suitably sized logs for burning. If you are extending the use of your recreational property into the winter, the maintenance issue of a wood stove can be a burden. Propane on the other hand is virtually maintenance free. Propane appliances can be annually cleaned and inspected but that’s about it.
- Versatility: When you upgrade to a propane stove you could be taking advantage of propane that is already on-site - or you could extend your propane utilization and add more convenient propane appliances to your home. For example - maybe it is also the time to convert your home heating from electric or oil to propane? A propane furnace, propane water heater and other household appliances like a cooking / range stove or a clothes dryer could be installed. Once on-site, it makes sense to fully utilize propane energy to take advantage of a single source of clean efficient energy.
- Green Energy: Propane is clean and environmentally friendly. It produces high energy with fewer greenhouse gases than other energy sources. Wood is a renewable resource but it produces soot, ash, and gases that are harmful to the environment. In fact, wood burning fireplaces are under bans in many regions because of air quality concerns. So unless you have the latest wood stove technology, it might be a good idea to upgrade your older wood stove to propane.
Did you know that if you have an existing wood stove that some propane stove manufacturers offer kits to adapt your existing chimney system for venting? And if you don’t then propane stoves have direct vent technology where the venting goes through the wall to the outside.
Budget Propane does not sell free-standing propane stoves but we have many partner contractors / retailers in the area that do. We’d be pleased to speak with you about your propane needs and answer any questions you may have.