The Budget Propane Blog

Budget Propane Ontario Delivers Versatile Fuel

Written by James Callow | Wed, Oct 10, 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Budget Propane Ontario delivers one of the most versatile fuels available. In fact, propane fuel can serve as a cost-effective alternative to electricity in your home and at work. Review these propane facts to learn more about this money-saving energy source.

Residential Energy: Homes across the country use propane as their main fuel source. Benefits of propane include efficient energy use, cheap fuel costs, and reduced emissions. There are tons of everyday appliances that run effectively on propane, too—save money by switching to water heaters, refrigerators, indoor lights, and laundry machines that run on this clean, natural gas.

Industrial Power: Your company can benefit from the use of propane gas, too. For example, you can cut costs by powering your entire building with efficient propane gas. Propane is also a great choice if your company can’t afford to lose power during a storm. Medical institutions, for instance, can depend on propane power during blackouts.

Cooking Fuel: Chefs across the globe insist on using natural gas stoves in their kitchens. Gas stove tops heat up faster, cool more quickly, and burn more evenly than their electrical counterparts. Plus, gas stoves offer more direct heat control. These characteristics make gas stoves an excellent option for boosting the quality of your home cooking.

 Backup Supply: Propane gas makes a great fuel for backup generators too. Just a single 500 gallon tank of propane can produce over 10 days’ worth of power for your entire home. These tanks are installed underground and designed to automatically activate in case of a power outage. It also serves as an efficient heating fuel to keep your home warm all winter.

You can learn even more about propane and its uses by contacting Budget Propane Ontario. Our energy experts can answer all your questions about tanks safety and proper propane use. Contact us online or call us at  1 888 405.7777  if you have any questions.